Sunday 18 December 2011

Flash mob for Christmas

This morning as part of our Handel at Advent Christmas series at Grace  we watched this great video..

Sunday 6 November 2011

Peer pressure

Challenged by power of peer pressure in our morning service today. At the start of the talk Ray showed this old candid camera video

Good stuff eh?

Saturday 5 November 2011


Looking forward to 11 people being baptised tomorrow at church. It's always a moving occasion and well worth witnessing-especially if you've never seen one. Take a listen to previous baptism meetings with the stories of those who were baptised.

We practice full immersion of a believer. That is to say we believe that baptism should follow on from a person consciously having become a Christian. It is not an act of becoming one but rather of saying, 'yep I'm now a follower of Jesus Christ and I want to show that publicly.'

For some video of other baptism stories from a fine church in the US take a look here.